people like the new stuff, take the latest slayer tower update it is
amazing the graphics are awesome, and the sinkholes im 103dg ad hated
every bit of it but i love sinkholes.why
do people need to yell and scream at each other over EoC? rather than
say it sucks, provide suggestions to make it how you like it
(CONSTRUCTIVE suggestions), that would be far more useful.diablo 3
gold for sale
its a game,
not a second life, changes to it SHOULDNT cause a catastrophe to
peoples' primary life. directx as well, by the way.6
years ago runescape really wasnt that different, ive played back when
rs1 was still going on. Now that was a classic. But how dare you say
youve only played 6 years, thats nothing! honestly runescape should of just stayed original with maybe new quests here and there. If people wanted new patches and updates all the time they can go to WOW where there are expansions. the looks are nice, such as the graphics updates. What people don't like is how the combat is. Removal of specs brought down the prices of weapons by a large amount. They made dungeoneering weapons almost useless. The abilities are just... too much like other games. RS was all about not being like other games now people argue it's good now because it is like other games.Not to mention pking. Don't you miss watching those epic brid fights?
Now it's just ability spam.Runescape may have needed a change but this is not it. I think they should have just put this into a whole new game or just worked on stellar dawn.
honestly they are exactly the same now regarding price. They both have dungeons to run, abilities to spam. And an economy that is horrible. But in my case I'm Not picking the shiniest of two turds.runescape gold.i hated pking and the weapon specs....i love using the abilities it makes the combat more amusing in my opinion and to be honest the abilities do have a but of technique with the backhands ad such.