Why the hell would anybody want what officially caused the death of runescape? The
only reason they won't give pre-eoc servers is because Jagex knows that
the population on the EOC would get even more pathetic then it already
is.Giving us a 6 year old server starting from 0 stats again was not a solution for Jagex, so people won't stop asking for this.calm
down dude, it's the community's complaints that lets jagex know what
they want. I'm a small game developer myself and my philosophy is;
you're making the game for the people playing it not yourself and as the
game's creators you owe it to the fans that you have brought into this
fantasy world to keep it fresh and entertaining for them regardless of
how much effort it takes.buying runescape gold.It's the fans that keep jagex alive, so in my
opinion they have every right to complain when the game they're paying
for is not 100% satisfactory.
eoc are 07 scape are different games. Can people stop comparing the two please, this gold old a while ago. (no pun intended) If the EOC was so great, the population on it wouldn't be at its lowest numbers in 8+ years. Fact.Nice
job trying to correlate a falling trend in activity that was happening
BEFORE the Evolution of Combat was announced.buying runescape accounts.to the EoC itself. maybe since the new skill is Divination, the EoC had a retroactive effect on Runescape's popularity! Yeah...That must be it.How
ironic of you to speak of pathetic people when you've been so pathetic
on every posts you've made. You want some fact? You're a moron and
everyone who thinks like you are also morons. Fact. You're the reason
Runescape looks bad. Fact. If you guys learned to adapt instead of
crying all the time, this game would look better. Fact. If you guys used
common sense, you would also make yourselves look better and less
pitiful. Fact. Don't blame jagex just because you're hopeless and feel
the need to complain all the time against everything.