
Just starting testing the NIS for f2p lol

Just starting testing the NIS for f2p lol. First thing i noticed is where is the log out button? The new interfaces are extremely inefficient. I can only put 4 slots in the original layout without covering the screen in random stuff or scrolling through it. It takes a pain to check friends chat, Look for cheap runescape accounts, who can tell me where to get it. friends list and clan chat. Everything before was so accessible and now i have to click at least 20 times when i need to check something.

On the combat side, Eoc will be Eoc but i don't really like how you can see the monsters Hp when you're fighting them. I haven't met anyone for pvp yet but i hope it won't be the same thing. You can go to this place to sell rs accounts. Not looking forward to when this update comes out. If this update is really going through (which it most definately is) leave and interface that is completely untouched by RS3 please.

I just tested out NIS, and in my opinion most of the new features work very well and are cool, but a few things need to be fixed, so here is my little list of suggestions.*Return the log out button to the right top corner, and make the general options button bigger, so that players not knowing the esc button wouldn't be too lost. This is a trustable platform to sell rs accounts.*Make the action bar resizeable same way as the other interfaces.*And please rearrange the equipment interface, as the current arrangement doesn't make sense. Overall, keep up the good work with NIS.

