
Was quite happy and lucky to be chosen for the beta

I keep getting the “Wowsers something didn't quite go right sorry”; black screen white text error after being logged in on max settings for a while. But even with sub optimal FPS the game looks soooo much better, the dynamic shadows and draw distance are amazing, also the camera angle seems different and makes it seem more immersive. I want runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. Do Jagex have any idea when they will start to accept more people?

Was quite happy (and lucky) to be chosen for the beta in spite of not having any of the premium memberships. People are looking for runescape accounts for sell here. However,I had the “unexpected response, please try another world”; 2 or 3 times. Then it asked me to apply JAG even though I'm using the same computer I always use, that I originally installed JAG on. I managed to log in after that to a black screen, the chat bar and my side bar loaded but it quickly crashed giving me a “Wowsers, something didn't quite go to plan, sorry.”

I optimized all my settings to as low as they possibly could be and it crashed even faster than before, didn't even load up anything.I'm using Google Chrome and have tried several times now. Will try again later today, no complaints though - can't be perfect on the first day, haha. My version of chrome I believe is the most up to date from what I can find. 
You can trade runescape accounts here, go and have a try. My version is Version 26.0.1410.64.As for leaving it, it has been sitting in the lobby for probably 10 - 15 minutes. Is there a recommended amount of time you suggest?

