
Just suggesting that maybe you guys could add in a menu to SOUL WARS

Just suggesting that maybe you guys could add in a menu to SOUL WARS like you have at CASTLE WARS after the game to show how many kills we got / Games played etc. It would also stop the clicking out of the little menu that pops up. Are you looking for runescape account? I can recommend a reliable place to you. (I want to get the hybrid armour lol). You could also do this at other minigames that need it too. Just a suggestion to improve Soulwars.

Adding a sound for when you catch a rocktail or cavefish. Other fish have 'em, and I like having an audible clue when I'm flipping between websites whilst fishing. What's the status on getting rid of multiple clicks for single actions? Can't launch a single urn w/o being asked "How many urns do you wish to teleport?" And don't get me started on trying to make a single curry or poison. I want runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. Ye gods they take forever! Last I knew "the developer was looking into it." Can someone please, please, please kick him/her in the pants and get this changed back to the way it used to be?

The 'interact' summoning left-click option for hellcats (not sure for regular cats) currently makes you talk to rather than interact with the cat. Changing this would make it a bit easier to catch those pesky rats. People are looking for runescape accounts sell tips here. Can you add back the hovering "Item is in Tab X" when searching and hovering over that item? It was really useful for finding where you had actually put it in your bank instead of taking it out or moving it!

